Pre-Registered Passengers and Parents,
Are you ready to travel with us?
It's Summer Blast Week and we are ready to GO!
Here are a few things to know for the week ahead:


THURSDAY & FRIDAY / JULY 13th & 14th

5:30 PM - Registration

8:30 PM - Curbside Pick up under East Awning


8:45 AM -  Registration

2:00 PM - Pick up Behind the Church at Checkout Table

After lunch on Saturday, there will be water slides outside. It may be warm, so prepare for the heat, and of course water attire. Bring a bathing suit (or wear one underneath clothes) and a towel. Water shoes are optional, but recommended.

After lunch on Saturday, there will be water slides outside. It may be warm, so prepare for the heat, and of course water attire. Bring a bathing suit (or wear one underneath clothes) and a towel. Water shoes are optional, but recommended.

We can’t wait for your Arrival on Thursday to GO! On our Great Adventure!